Help Gift Books to the Community
We extend heartfelt thanks and profound gratitude to ALL who became sponsors for the sponsor a book community outreach campaign! Because of your overwhelming generosity, 10,000 books have been gifted to persons in the community for free! This means a whopping 10,000 households among those most impacted by the pandemic in the Black and Brown community now has at their fingertips the knowledge of how to clean, sanitize and disinfect their homes to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus. Considering the possibility that each household may contain several persons who, in turn, may share the information in the book with others, your charitable contribution has the potential to touch hundreds of thousands in the community! In addition to the book, each recipient received a complimentary, high-quality mask sewn by the M.G.T. Sewing Sisters. We are eternally grateful to Allah (God) for blessing us with persons like you who are willing to lend a helping hand in this most critical time. With your continued support, we can surpass our efforts to do even more. While providing books to 10,000 households is phenomenal, many more are in need. Therefore, we are continuing this fundraiser in which we ask that you sponsor a minimum of two books to be distributed in the community so that we can provide at least another 10,000 books. This fundraiser will also help fuel our continued efforts to be of service toward the uplift and advancement of the members of our community in this most trying time. Thank you in advance for your support in this great cause as we continue to serve our community. May Allah (God) richly bless you for your love and sacrifice!
A $30 donation will help gift 2 books to the community
A $45 donation will help gift 3 books to the community
A $60 donation will help gift 4 books to the community
A $75 donation will help gift 5 books to the community
A $90 donation will help gift 6 books to the community
A $105 donation will help gift 7 books to the community
A $150 donation will help gift 10 books to the community
Or you may choose to donate more by entering the donation amount.
NOTE: You are donating so that books can be distributed in the community. You will not receive a physical book.
Please click the drop-down box to make your donation: